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School of Cardiac Diagnostics — Home page

Sunday, 16 June 2024

Successful conclusion of the 8th School of Cardiac Diagnostics

We are delighted to announce the successful conclusion of the 8th School of Cardiac Diagnostics, held in Maribor, Slovenia, from June 12th to 15th. This year's event featured over 25 distinguished speakers and more than 35 insightful presentations, including Case Reading sessions with top-level world experts in the field. The dynamic debates following each presentation fostered a collaborative environment, enriching the learning experience for all attendees. Our primary goal remains to truly understand the heart and enhance our ability to help patients, and this year's School was a significant step toward achieving that mission.

We invite you to relive the memorable moments and explore the highlights of the past four days by visiting our photo gallery - click to view the vibrant discussions, engaging workshops, and the camaraderie that defined this year's event.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the speakers and participants who made this year's School of Cardiac Diagnostics a resounding success. Your contributions and enthusiasm were invaluable. We warmly invite everyone to join us next year for another exceptional gathering, where we will continue to push the boundaries of cardiac diagnostics and patient care.

Thank you, and see you next year!


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